Jewellery shop / manufacture

Gold wedding ring Nr. 1

Nr: 1 A



Gold price+producing:


* The price of th ring can change depending on the size and production nuances.

Nr: 1 B



Gold price+producing:


* The price of th ring can change depending on the size and production nuances.

The current gold price 78.00 EUR per 1 gramm


Gold wedding ring Nr. 1

  • ALLOY - 585°

Ring size:

For this model are available 2 variations:

4.6g454 €
7.7g711 €
Ring with Latvian mythological signs.
Mara cross (Māras krusts).
Symmetric cross with the crossed ends. Sometimes it is called a cross. The symbol of the dead souls and fire. This sign depicts the eternity of the dead souls’ world as their expression have the beginning and the end. This sign is closely connected with fire, house and fertility. The subject with the Māra cross on, can be sacrificed to Māra, receiving blessing and custody as a feedback.
(Austra tree) Austras koks.
The symbol of the World Tree. It is based on Māra waters. The foliated tree indicates the mental power. The sun rises and sets through Austra tree. It is a symbol of the morning as well. Austra tree is not a sign – it is an argument.
Garden – well (Dārziņš (Aka)
This sign protects a family. If this sign is interweaved into the belt, it helps to provide magic activities such as conjuring, prediction, fortunetelling etc. This sign can be drawn to everyday objects because the Garden connects people and God, the power and advice of God.
Adder (Zalkša zīme)
It symbolizes wisdom and curiosity. The ones who are wearing this sign are supposed to be the clever and wise ones. This sign is an adder. There are different colours of adders but the most powerful is the white one. Adder is connected with the dead souls and rituals. It is used as a symbol of underground. Usually used by the seers.
Jumis – the spirit of fields (Jumis)
Derivate from golden or God cross. Jumis brings fertility, wealth and that is a reason why Latvians put this sign on the roof of the house. When there is a lack of money, 81 Jumis signs have to be cut into a purse – it is going to bring the wealth. Jumis is a sign that most commonly used in everyday objects. Several harvest rituals are connected with Jumis.
Star (Zvaigznes zīme)
The third most important sign of the heavenly bodies is a Star. It plays a significant role preventing the power of darkness and lower world. The Star is often sen in the ornaments of Nordic countries – in the blankets, head ornaments, clothes, gloves, on the window sills and doors. The blanket with stars protects the one who is sleeping under it.
Usins (Ūsiņa zīme)
Usins sign that is often seen in the gloves looks like two E letters put together backwards. It symbolizes the horses of an ancient Light God Usins – the carriers of the Sun. The gloves with this sign provide a good trip for the ones who are travelling.

The most important benefits, if you order gold jewellery in our manufacture:

  • The price of our manufactured gold jewellery is made by current stock exchange value of gold and jeweller’s  labour costs, therefore the total cost of our gold jewellery for one gram will be only  90-100 EUR, and it is approximately 50% less, than when you buy it  in a gold jewellery shop.
  • Please pay attention, if the price is lower or similar, the gold jewellery made in our manufacture is heavier than the imported jewellery, where the manufacturers are more interested to produce very light jewellery, in order to save up on gold. Therefore, even visually massive products are very light and fragile.
  • It is always possible to polish or if needed to repair of charge the golden jewellery, which was produced in our manufacture.

General information   about ordering the gold jewellery:

  • The gold jewellery is manufactured only after the order has been made.
  •  The total production time is up to 10 working days.
  • When you make the order, you will have to pay in advance to cover the costs of manufacturing   (see MANUFACTURING).
  • We accept also the gold from client to manufacture the jewellery. In this case there is no need to pay in advance.
  • The approximate amount of the golden jewellery is formed by (see MANUFACTURING+GOLD), its approximate weight is multiplied by the current price of the gold per 1 gram*, and adding to the result the costs of production.
  • Take into account, that in the frame   MANUFACTURING+GOLD the indicted amount will slightly change, because it depends on the size of the ring   and the nuances in the manufacturing process. The precise price of the jewellery can be determined only when the  jewellery is manufactured.
  • The weight of the jewellery is determined in the following way: the real weight of the jewellery +10%, made up by irreversible loss of gold, that is formed during the manufacturing process - melting, grinding  and  polishing.
  • The designated costs refer to  classical (red) colour gold jewellery. The jewellery that is manufactured from yellow or white gold, manufacturing costs will be two times higher.
  • Engraving costs in our manufactured products  is 1.20 EUR for one sign.
  • When you order jewellery in Internet, please specify  the text of the engraving in the part SHOPPING CART