Jewellery shop / manufacture

Silver ring Nr. 1






Silver ring Nr. 1


Ring size:

For this model are available 2 variations:

5mm2.8g42 €
7mm5.5g50 €

Ring with Latvian mythological signs.

Mara cross (Māras krusts).
Symmetric cross with the crossed ends. Sometimes it is called a cross. The symbol of the dead souls and fire. This sign depicts the eternity of the dead souls’ world as their expression have the beginning and the end. This sign is closely connected with fire, house and fertility. The subject with the Māra cross on, can be sacrificed to Māra, receiving blessing and custody as a feedback.

(Austra tree) Austras koks.
The symbol of the World Tree. It is based on Māra waters. The foliated tree indicates the mental power. The sun rises and sets through Austra tree. It is a symbol of the morning as well. Austra tree is not a sign – it is an argument.

Garden – well (Dārziņš (Aka)
This sign protects a family. If this sign is interweaved into the belt, it helps to provide magic activities such as conjuring, prediction, fortunetelling etc. This sign can be drawn to everyday objects because the Garden connects people and God, the power and advice of God.

Adder (Zalkša zīme)
It symbolizes wisdom and curiosity. The ones who are wearing this sign are supposed to be the clever and wise ones. This sign is an adder. There are different colours of adders but the most powerful is the white one. Adder is connected with the dead souls and rituals. It is used as a symbol of underground. Usually used by the seers.

Jumis – the spirit of fields (Jumis)
Derivate from golden or God cross. Jumis brings fertility, wealth and that is a reason why Latvians put this sign on the roof of the house. When there is a lack of money, 81 Jumis signs have to be cut into a purse – it is going to bring the wealth. Jumis is a sign that most commonly used in everyday objects. Several harvest rituals are connected with Jumis.

Star (Zvaigznes zīme)
The third most important sign of the heavenly bodies is a Star. It plays a significant role preventing the power of darkness and lower world. The Star is often sen in the ornaments of Nordic countries – in the blankets, head ornaments, clothes, gloves, on the window sills and doors. The blanket with stars protects the one who is sleeping under it.

Usins (Ūsiņa zīme)
Usins sign that is often seen in the gloves looks like two E letters put together backwards. It symbolizes the horses of an ancient Light God Usins – the carriers of the Sun. The gloves with this sign provide a good trip for the ones who are travelling.